1. Introduction
- Python and its uses
- Installing Python and PyCharm
- Hello world Program in Python
- Some mathematical operations in Python
- Strings in Python
- Accepting Input from the user in Python
- Performing operations on a string in Python
- Variables in Python
- In place operators in Python
2. Control structures in Python
- If statement
- Elif statement
- Introduction to list in Python
- List operations in Python
- List functions in Python
- Range function in Python
- Code reuse and functions in Python
- For loop in Python
- Boolean logic in Python
- While Loop in Python
3. Functions and Modules in Python
- Passing arguments to functions
- Making function return value
- Passing functions as arguments
- Modules
4. Exception Handling and File Handling
- Errors and Exceptions
- Exception handling
- Finally Block
- File Handling
- Reading Data from file
5.Create GUI Apps In Python using Tkinter
- Tkinter: Hello world program Using frames
- Grid layout
- Self adjusting widgets
- Handling buttons clicks
- Using Classes
- Using drop downs
- Toolbar
- Making Status Bar
- Message Box
- Drawing
- Building a Calculator using Tkinter
6. Make Web applications in Python using Django
- Installing Django
- Creating first Django Project
- Creating our own App
- Overview of an App in Django
- Creating our own views in Django
- Applying Migrations
- Creating Books Table in Django
- Final Steps in Creating a Table
- Adding data to the Database Tables
- Filtering the results
- Admin Panel in Django
- Creating Another view
- Connecting to the Database
- Creating Templates
- Rendering Templates
- Raising a 404 error
- Designing the detail view
- Removing the Hardcoded URLs
- Namespaces in Django
- Using Static files
- Creating Navigation bar
- Navigation bar touchup
- Using Base Templates
- Generic Views in Django
- Design Touchup
- Form to Add books
- Final source code for Django
- Adding data to file
7. Some More Types in Python
- Dictionaries
- Dictionary Functions
- Tuples
- List Slicing
- List Comprehension
- String Formatting
- String functions
- Numeric Functions
8. Functional Programming in Python
- Functional Programming
- Lambdas
- Map
- Filters
- Generators
9. Object Oriented Programming In Python
- Object Oriented Programming
- Inheritance
- Recursion
- Sets
- Itertools
- Operator Overloading
- Data Hiding
10.Pandas and Numpy
- Pandas Series
- Pandas Data Frames
- Pandas Read CSV
- Pandas Read JSON
- Pandas Cleaning Data
- Pandas Analyze Data
- Numpy Arrays
- Numpy Random
- Numpy ufunc